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Student Registration

Online Registration Portal


Please note:

  • Registration is a FREE process. If you do not have access to a computer, please call 732-400-5900 x1000 and someone will provide you with a space to complete the registration process. Our office is happy to help and we encourage you NOT to pay for an outside provider to assist you.
  • Please continue with this online registration only if your family resides in Dunellen.  If you submit falsified documents you may be subject to disenrollment of your child(ren) and may be changed tuition. 



  • If your child already attends Dunellen Public Schools, do NOT use this portal.
  • Your application will be date and time stamped, and you can also have a confirmation of your registration emailed to you. There is no need to call the Registrar’s Office after registering online; the information goes directly to the staff. Once received, you will be contacted via email.
  • NOTE: If you do not have your proofs of residency or health records, described below, you will NOT be allowed to register.

Requirements and Documentation

  • Birth Certificate
  • Current Physical Examination completed by a physician within the last year (Universal Child Health Record Form PDF below)
  • Current immunization record
  • Photo ID of Parent/Guardian
  • Homeowners:  current property tax bill, current mortgage statement or deed
  • Renters:  current lease (If you do not have a lease, an Affidavit of Residency (PDF below)  must be submitted. 
  • In addition to the above, you must provide additional proof of residency such as PSE&G bill, cable bill, phone bill, driver's license, medical/insurance bill, bank statement or any documents that has the parent/guardian’s name with the Dunellen address

Transfer Students

Students transferring from schools outside Dunellen must provide:

  • transfer card
  • a copy of their most recent report card
  • most recent standardized test results
  • for children receiving special educational services,  a copy of the most recent documents (e.g. IEP [Individual Education Plan], 504 Plan, ELL/ESL)
  • Complete and sign a Request for School Records (PDF below)

New Jersey Newcomers Information

If you are new to the state, please see the documents below: