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Support for Parents of Children with Allergies

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Being proactive is the best protection for our students with life-threatening food allergies and the safest meal is one packed from home. Maschio’s Food Services offers many foods to the students in your district. Not all foods are allergen free and cross-contamination may occur. Maschio’s highly recommends that students with life-threatening food allergies avoid purchasing snacks.

If necessary, Maschio’s Food Services is able to offer substitute meals for students with life-threatening food allergies. For continuity, product availability, and safety, Maschio’s will be  implementing a standard menu of one to two options based on your child’s allergies for the 2022-23 school year.   According to USDA-FNS Accommodating Children with Disabilities in the School Meal Programs Guidance for School Food Service Professionals, “the SFA’s responsibility is to serve the child a safe meal that accommodates their disability, not to mirror the Program meal served that day.” In addition, per SP 59-2016: Policy Memorandum on Modifications to Accommodate Disabilities in the School Meal Programs, “SFAs are not required to provide the specific substitution or other modification requested, but must offer a reasonable modification that effectively accommodates the child’s disability and provides equal opportunity to participate in or benefit from the program.  The Application to participate in the program is below:

The attached Medical Statement Request for Special Meals and Milk Substitutions (Spanish PDF below) is required to be completed by your child’s physician on a yearly basis.

Once the completed and signed paperwork is faxed to our office for review, the safe substitute menu along with manufacturer ingredient labels will be provided for your approval. When approved, a cross contamination prevention training will be scheduled with the food service staff once the school year begins. Pending all products are accurately delivered after the training has taken place, this process will take several weeks to implement. We recommend that meals be packed from home until the substitute meal is available.


If you decide to allow your child to purchase meals from the cafeteria, and do not wish to participate in a substitute meal plan, the attached waiver (PDF below) is to be completed and returned to Maschio’s Food Services via fax (908-888-2335) or scan/email to

Manufacturer food labels are available to view on our website at Maschio's Food Services, Inc. under “Food Facts.” You may contact your child’s cafeteria manager for information on brands and product types used in your specific cafeteria, understanding that substitutions, while not likely, may occur. Food Labels may also be requested by emailing Lorraine Kunick, R.D.N. at

If you have any questions please contact Lorraine Kunick, R.D.N. at (973) 598-0005 or

Thank you for continuing to work with Maschio’s Food Services to keep our students healthy and safe.




Lorraine Kunick, R.D.N.

Maschio’s Food Services