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9/11 Remembered at DHS

Posted Date: 9/10/24 (10:01 PM)

In response to the events that occurred on September 11, 2001, artwork was created by Mr. Larry Roibal, DHS Art Teacher, as part of the Prevailing Human Spirit exhibit organized by the Society of Illustrators Museum in New York.  

Visitors were able to donate or purchase prints of the art, and the exhibit raised over $25,000 for the New York Times 9/11 Neediest Case Fund, the Robin Hood Relief Fund, and the Widows of Hope Family Relief Fund.  

Additional funds were raised when the drawing was included as one of 40 works shown at the United Nations, New York Historical Society, the Huntington Museum, and the Wethersfield Historical Society.

The drawing sits currently on exhibit in a display case just down the hall from Mr. Roibal's first floor art room in DHS. 

New to the exhibit are three patches worn by Jason Marenberg, Dunellen Schools' new Director of Security.  Jason was a responder to the 9/11 attacks as a member of the NYPD in 2001.  In 2002 he moved to the Port Authority Police Department of NY and NJ.  Jason wore both patches with honor and pride and we thank him for loaning them to the exhibit.