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DHS Weekly Update - 11/1/24

Posted Date: 11/01/24 (2:00 PM)

DHS Weekly Update
Main entrance
Hello Destroyers
Don’t forget, this weekend, turn the clocks BACK an hour. Saturday night, November 2nd, we return to Standard time as it will start to get dark a little earlier in the evening but will be a little brighter when we come to school in the morning! 

There will be NO SCHOOL on Tuesday, November 5th for Election Day, as well as Thursday, November 7th and Friday, November 8th.

A room full of empty desks
School News and Updates
Congratulations to the newest members of the Roosevelt Chapter of the National Honor Society. The new inductees are: Jayden Caraballo, Devyn DaSilva, Marissa De La Cruz, Kyle Denges, Alexa DeVesa, Jackson Gendrano, Issac Gomez, Liz Gutierrez, Harleenpreet Kaur, Mateo Miranda, Elliot Moore, Hunter Mulligan, Palwinder Multani, Megan North, Joshua Osborne, Kayden Perdomo, Madison Perdomo, Ruth Polanco, Jackson Portik, Gabriela Rosas, Diana Vidal, Bryan Villacres, and Jason Young.

A reminder about our ongoing Breakfast program available in the DHS Cafeteria each morning. The breakfast program is a great way to ensure students start the day with a nutritious meal. Students enrolled in the 2024-2025 free/reduced lunch program continue to receive breakfast at no cost.

Students and staff dressing up for Halloween is always exciting at DHS. This year, like usual, a majority of students took advantage of the opportunity and came to school in some creative and interesting costumes. In addition, we had a student costume contest, which was won by Rose Ciccolella and Caitlin Wallace, dressing as characters from the movie, Step Brothers. The staff costume contest was won by those on the 3rd floor, who dressed as emotions from the movie Inside Out

The College Application process is in full swing. Any Seniors that are looking to go to a 4 year college, 2 year college or trade school should be working with their counselor, Ms. Markert, to make sure all deadlines and requirements are met.

The Black Student Union is hosting a trip on November 21st to the annual Malcolm Bernard HBCU College fair, the organizers are looking to host Juniors and Seniors who are serious about college being their post-high school plan. Seniors who participate in the fair have the opportunity to receive admission decisions the day of the fair as well as scholarship awards. If interested, reach out to Dr. Best.
Example calendar with dates pinned
Upcoming Events
Less than 2 weeks until the opening of our Fall Play, the DHS production of 10 Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse.  Performances will be Friday, November 15th at 7:30, and Saturday, November 16th at 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm.

DHS will be holding it’s Fall Sports Awards on Thursday, November 21st, starting at 6:30 pm in the DHS Auditorium. We will recognize the accomplishments of our student-athletes in Football, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Boys and Girls Soccer, and Girls Tennis.
Bright Idea on a cork board
Important Reminders
Tuesday, November 5th is Election Day. If you are a registered voter, don’t forget to vote!

The First Quarter ends Wednesday, November 6th.

The DHS Homework Help Center runs from 2:45 - 3:45 pm every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the DHS Tech Center. Students can come to get extra help from teachers with their school work or just sit and have a quiet place to get things done. We encourage students to attend so that they have fewer or no assignments to do when they get home.

The 2025 Exodus Yearbook is on sale. To purchase a yearbook, use the following link:

Dunellen High School Project Graduation Class of 2025 is holding a Thanksgiving Pie Sale fundraiser. The pies are supplied by Griggstown Farm in Princeton, NJ. They will be
delivered frozen for you to use over the holiday season or any occasion.
Please fill out the form on the reverse side and include cash or check payable to:  
DHS Project Graduation
All orders must be prepaid; no order will be placed unless payment is included.  Please place your completed order form with payment in an envelope marked “Project Graduation” and return to the school’s office in which you attend NO LATER than November 6th.
Please share this form with neighbors, friends, family and co‐workers.
IMPORTANT: PICK UP FOR THE PIES WILL BE ON NOV. 18 at Faber Horseshoe between the hours of 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm.
For more information, please call or text Heather Shealy @ 908.872.9881.
Academic Corner
As the first quarter draws to a close, students in the 10th and 11th grade Health classes have something to work towards. In Mr. Hummel’s 10th grade Driver’s Education class, students are taking their State of NJ Drivers Permit test, hopefully passing so that they are one step closer to getting their driver’s license. In Ms. DelRosario’s 11th grade Health class, students have been studying First Aid & CPR/AED training, hoping to pass and be eligible to receive their Red Cross certification. These are both tests that open new doors for students - and can save a life!
Person using a laptop
Contact info
411 First St
Dunellen, NJ 08812
Phone: 732-400-5900

Follow us on Instagram: @dunellenhs
Follow the DHS Counseling dept. on Instagram: @dhscounselingdept
Follow us on X (Twitter): @DunellenHS