What is Parental Involvement?
Parental involvement in school is defined as parent reported participation at least once during the school year in attending a general school meeting; attending a scheduled meeting with their child’s teacher; attending a school event; or volunteering in the school or serving on a school committee.
Why Is It Important at the Middle School Level?
The results of recent *research are very clear: When parents are actively involved in their children's education, they do better in school. The academic level of the parents, their socioeconomic level, and their ethnic or racial origin are not determining factors for academic success. It is essential for parents to have a positive attitude regarding education, and to demonstrate trust that their children can do well.
How Will Your Child Benefit From Your Involvement?
When parents become involved, both students and school benefit:
What Parents can do?
Parents are their children's best advocates. Parents' willingness to contact teachers on a regular basis about their children's progress is perhaps the first step to becoming involved in their children's education. Armed with good information about a child's performance, parents can proceed in both direct and indirect ways to influence the child's progress. Mothers and fathers can become directly involved in children's education by:
Parent Organizations In Dunellen
To learn more about getting involved in parent organization groups for Dunellen Schools contact the following individuals:
Nicole Moore and Rebecca Gendrano
DHS Booster Club:
Laura Murray
(732) 968-1698
Band Parents:
Sharon Stewart
(732) 986-6638